Friday, June 02, 2006

A small collection of offerings

Why is it that the behaviour that we condemn in teenagers as angsty and pathetic is treated as tortured and romantic, even artistic in middle aged adults?
Slutting around, drinking, possibly drug abuse and then writing about it does not seem like behaviour that should be time sensitive.

How are we, as a society, so desperate for love? Relationships are started without regard for true validity of feeling and are therefore over before anyone has time to breathe and all because longing causes us to make rash decisions as though each chance we have is our very last chance at happiness. On the same note, we also seem to expect considerably more from each of these crap shoots...demanding perfection from people equally as imprefect as ourselves. There is a lack of effort put into making relationships work. We have ultimately made people just as disposable in our lives as we have made every other thing in our lust for consumption.


Blogger PatZ said...

half doom.

2:37 p.m.  
Blogger DM said...

Hi Mark's friend, I've enjoyed reading your blog. I wanted to post comments on several of your entries, but wouldn't that be wierd. If you haven't already read On The Genealogy of Morals, then I reccomend it. Nietzsche says, yes. Morality is a matter of time. But then you say things like: "I'm not claiming that its wrong for us to choose illusion over reality. I am claiming, however, it is important for us to be aware of the choice we are making." How can we be aware of a choice between illusion and reality? Doesn't the intrusion of illusion make that distinction impossible? As for love and letter writing, God is a witness to our existence. God is love.

8:53 a.m.  
Blogger Dan Pinese said...

I like illusion. It makes me a creative person. The totality of a relationship is how you interpret the other person. Thus, the creative you are, the better it is. Living a lie, especially one you perceive to be true is the best kind. I consume myself all the time.

7:34 p.m.  
Blogger Dan Pinese said...

That should read, "the more creative you are..." No one said the creative ones were good editors. ZING!

7:38 p.m.  
Blogger Vita said...

You are my friend too, post on whatever you want. I have read Geneology of Morals, but it was sooo long ago that I was looking at Neitszche that the memory escapes me.
I'm also coming to the conclusion that everything is a form of fiction because there is no way of accurately relating any experience or situation.

Dan, doesn't sound like a very healthy diet....


1:19 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've put in much informal thought over this - bug me on msn about it sometime :)

2:10 a.m.  

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